Monday, September 10, 2012

With the first sampling of fall this week things will start changing for the animals like squirrels , rats, mice, and raccoons.  Fall is the mating season for some animals also.

We have already seen and are seing baby squirrels from the late summer matings.  Next mating season and nesting will be in the early winter for early spring delivery. Flying squirrels will start moving in now. It is unususl for flyers to be in attic during the summer (to hot) but now we have started to see them in attics.

Rats and mice have a mating season in the fall and mice especially start looking for locations for the winter. The House mouse, once in side lives up to their name.  Once mice are in a structure they can be virtually anywhere in that sturcture.

It is important to recognized  rat and mosue evidence and the damage they can do. Gnawing is a necessity for these animals, chewing on wood, possibly some metal and often wiring within walls. they all have very sharp teeth and can open holes with them big enough for them to gain entrance.

Exclusion is very important method in any control program of all these Critters!